October Half Term begins at Aerospace Bristol

Join Aerospace Bristol this October half term to mark the 20th anniversary of Concorde’s final flight.

Family Concorde tours

Step aboard the last Concorde ever to fly and learn all about the supersonic aircraft during family friendly Concorde tours.

Journey to Mach 2

As part of your visit watch on as Alpha Foxtrot’s restored Machmeter climbs to Concorde’s cruise speed of twice the speed of sound, enabling a flight time from New York in under 3 hours.

Supersonic sound activities

Explore interactive supersonic sound stations around the museum as you journey through a century of Bristol’s aviation history.

Remember, Aerospace Bristol tickets include free returns for 12 months.

Concorde pilot training

Train to be a Concorde pilot this October half-term. Discover how British Airways pilots learned to fly Concorde using the original training panels restored by our team of conservation volunteers.

Concorde: The End of an Era

Why did Concorde retire? Join us this October half-term as we answer this question and more, and celebrate Concorde’s achievements, 20 years on from the final flight.

We are displaying a new exclusive exhibition next to Concorde Alpha-Foxtrot which focusses on why Concorde was retired from service, the legacy it left behind and whether there is a future for supersonic flight.

Bristol Aero Collection