Visit to the Bristol F2b fighter being built for Aerospace Bristol in the USA
by David Bradley
The F.2B is currently located in Gardner at Andy Crumpholt’s home (predominately wing, tailplane and fin sections) and a hangar (for fuselage and fittings) at Lawrence Airport north of Boston. The following photographs were taken by David Bradley in September.
The Outer Wings
Both starboard outer wings (above) are essentially complete but need all the cross bracing wires and the various metal fittings along the spars for the struts, flying wires and connection to the centre wing. One of the interplane struts can also be seen in the photo, with some still to be made. Many parts for the port outer wings have been made but assembly cannot be started until the spars have been made.
The Centre Wings
The bottom section needs cross bracing and both sections need all the metal fittings including the strut connections to the fuselage.
Two complete structures and two awaiting completion. They will need all the metal fittings and the aileron operating levers.
Tailplane and Elevators
Metal structures: missing rib at the inboard end of the tailplanes, elevators need painting.
Fin and Rudder
The fin is in two sections with the smaller section below the rear fuselage.
Pilots seat
Gunners seat not made – it is a simple cushion on box-like structure.
Front Fuselage
The fuselage is in two main sections: the front is a metal tubular structure and rear a wooden structure which is shown below. The front metal structure will be an UK task and the tubular structure has already been obtained.
Rear Fuselage
Covering strips for the longerons to facilitate the fabric covering of the fuselage have to be made.
Tailplane incidence control
Location of navigators control column
Pilots instrument panel
Various components
Various components – from left to right:
Tailplane incidence lever (incomplete – needs curved rack and some rack engagement parts to be made in UK)
Navigators control column
Rudder bar with Pyramid mounting
Bottom part of pilot’s control column which needs the circular ring top (UK task)
Top part of the navigators control column
Two struts (unidentified)
Tailplane incidence control bar with its operating levers
Tail skid components. Tail skid not available, and the two struts noted above may be the side stays to the tailskid components.
Additional tailskid components.