BBC One's Antiques Roadshow comes to Aerospace Bristol

Last Thursday (17th May) BBC One's Antiques Roadshow headed to Filton to record shows for their new series, all alongside and under the wings of Concorde Alpha Foxtrot.


The event attracted over 2,000 visitors to the museum, all with their family treasures ready to have them inspected by Fiona Bruce and the team of Antiques Roadshow experts.

Engineer Officer Trevor Norcott, Captain Colin Morris and Captain Les Brodie - the very last captain to fly Concorde Alpha Foxtrot, came to the museum along with Sir George White to share their memories and partake in this special day.

The event attracted over 2,000 visitors to the museum

The event attracted over 2,000 visitors to the museum

Engineer Officer Trevor Norcott and Captain Les Brodie

Engineer Officer Trevor Norcott and Captain Les Brodie

Sir George White talks to BBC's One Fiona Bruce

Sir George White talks to BBC's One Fiona Bruce

Tea Time Tales with Henry Sandon

Tea Time Tales with Henry Sandon

Captain Colin Morris

Captain Colin Morris

Fiona Bruce and Marc Alum

Fiona Bruce and Marc Alum

Shaun Ogden