Aerospace Bristol's Big Balloon Weekend

On Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th August, the Big Balloon Weekend saw an array of activities taking place at Aerospace Bristol. Visitors were able to climb into hot air balloon baskets with the guidance of an actual balloon pilot, and experience the excitement of firing the burner.

Model hot air balloons were also inflated alongside the last Concorde ever to fly. These RC-controlled balloons were a pint-sized example of the many balloons that are set to take to the skies from the 9th to the 11th of August as part of the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta.

The Big Balloon Weekend also featured all of the usual 'Look Up!' activities. Visitors' curiosity was sparked in the 'Floating on Air' science show, leading to many follow-up questions and a heightened interest in the science behind getting the magnificent colorful shapes in the sky.

The bottom of the Concorde Hangar is occupied this summer, with visitors relishing the opportunity to walk inside an inflated balloon.

For more detail on 'Look Up!' activities, visit

Bristol Aero Collection