Support Aerospace Bristol with a donation today

We’re a museum, but we’re also a charity. Whatever amount you are able to give, your kind donation makes all the difference.  

By coming on board, you will be championing one of the last iconic Concordes as well as supporting Aerospace Bristol's learning initiatives and many other restoration projects.

How your donation can help…

£15 could give a child the opportunity to build a glider or launch a stomp rocket in one of our inspiring learning activities.

£25 could pay for 5 archive boxes that house precious glass plate negatives, recording extraordinary aviation history.

£50 could cover the costs of important materials, adhesive and paint to make vital conservation repairs to Concorde, to ensure it is preserved for the future.

Other ways to support Aerospace Bristol…

Join the Concorde Club

Sponsor a seat on-board one of Concorde’s iconic routes, or a special piece of Concorde Alpha Foxtrot.

Find out more >

Image: Copyright BAE System

Sponsor a lecture seat

Sponsor a seat in our Lecture Theatre and commemorate someone special.

Find out more >

Share your Concorde story

Share your concorde story

Share your special memories of the iconic Concorde.

Find out more >

Dedicate a bench

Create a personalised plaque for a Concorde reminiscence bench.

Find out more >

In memory giving

Mark the passing of a loved one with a donation in their memory.

Remember someone special >

Image: Copyright Adrian Meredith


How to donate:

Donations can be made online, by following the links below to our web store.

Cheques can be made out to the Bristol Aero Collection Trust and posted to: Fundraising Office, Aerospace Bristol, Hayes Way, Patchway, Bristol, BS34 5BZ

If you would like to make a donation over the phone, please call 0117 363 4621

Funds raised, after allowing for Fundraising Department expenses, will be applied to the Bristol Aero Collection Trust projects and objectives. If an identified objective cannot be met the net income will be applied to similar projects or objectives, as will any surplus.