Aerospace Bristol and Cameron Balloons prepare to launch 'Look Up! The Story of Hot Air Ballooning in Bristol'

On Monday evening, the Aerospace Bristol and Cameron Balloons teams came together to set up the new summer exhibition, ‘Look Up! The Story of Hot Air Ballooning in Bristol’ in the Concorde Hangar.

The exhibition features an array of hot-air balloon components, including a basket, burner, and a half balloon displayed alongside the legendary Concorde.

Highlights of the exhibition include the original burner and envelope of the Bristol Belle, Britain’s first modern hot air balloon. Visitors will be delighted to find Concorde hot air balloon seats from a unique balloon piloted by Concorde captain and balloonist Tim Orchard.

Additionally, fabric and the registration plate from Orbiter 3, the first balloon to complete a non-stop flight around the world, are on display.

The exhibition offers a comprehensive timeline tracing the history, key events, and milestones of hot air ballooning.

Cameron Balloon's’ 'Skysketcher' app also allows visitors to design their own hot air balloon, and balloon chalk outlines will be on the ground outside for visitors to grab some chalk and get creative.

‘Look Up!’ officially opens on Wednesday 23rd July, for more information about all the activities visit