Daughter of BAC Chief Test Pilot, Bill Pegg recalls seeing her father fly over in the Brabazon

On Thursday, 26th September, Joanna Gordon (nee Pegg), daughter of BAC Chief Test Pilot, Bill Pegg, visited Aerospace Bristol.

Chief Test Pilot, Bill Pegg flew the first flight of the Bristol Brabazon with his co-pilot Walter Gibb, from Filton on Sunday, 4th September 1949.

A huge crowd of 10,000 gathered to watch the aeroplane, designed to be the ocean liner of the sky, take off for the first time under the command of Captain Bill Pegg.

Joanna shared her memory from the day, recalling being in her garden and waving a white laundry as her father flew over in the Brabazon.

Aerospace Bristol is celebrating the 75th anniversary of Bristol Brabazon’s first flight with this special display until Sunday 29th September.

To find out more about Brabazon75,


Bristol Aero Collection